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Aktuell suchen wir wieder Paten .

Für einen Miniatur Bullterrier Rüden und eine Hündin ca. 1 Jahr alt, suchen auf diesem Weg eine Paten-Familie.

Sollten sie Interesse haben, kontaktieren sie uns bitte.

Info´s zu unserem Patenwelpenprogramm finden sie auf unserer Homepage.

Über uns...

Bullterrier waren schon immer ein geschätzter Teil unserer Familie und unseres Alltags!

Nachdem wir zwölf Jahre  lang Besitzer unseres ersten Bullterrier waren

und der Rasse Haut und Haar verfallen waren,

wuchs in uns der Wunsch  diese großartige Rasse zu züchten. 

Bald nach unserer Entscheidung zu züchten,

schloss sich unser Familie Hope und Paula an. 

Es war von Anfang an wieder Liebe

und bestätigte uns, in unserer Entscheidung.

Als Züchter

ist es wichtig das unser Hunde in mitten der Familie leben.

Jeder unserer Zuchthunde

wird umfangreichen Gesundheitstests unterzogen,

um sicherzustellen,

dass unsere Welpen ein gesundes

und glückliches Leben führen können.

Wir haben einige der besten Blutlinien für unsere Zucht ausgesucht,

um Ihnen einen wesensstarken, typvollen Begleiter für ihr Leben bieten zu können.

Terrier Group Judging | Crufts 2018

Terrier Group Judging | Crufts 2018

Subscribe to Crufts: Crufts 2018 - Day 2 - March 9 As live replay of the Terrier Group Judging at Crufts 2018. -------------------------------------------------------- WATCH MORE CRUFTS: • Terrier Group Winners Through The Years: • 2018 Group Judging: • Crufts 2018 Day 2: -------------------------------------------------------- The breeds in the Terrier Group are: Airedale Terrier Australian Terrier Bedlington Terrier Border Terrier Bull Terrier Bull Terrier (Miniature) Cairn Terrier Cesky Terrier Dandie Dinmont Terrier Fox Terrier (Smooth) Fox Terrier (Wire) Glen Of Imaal Terrier Irish Terrier Jack Russell Terrier Kerry Blue Terrier Lakeland Terrier Manchester Terrier Norfolk Terrier Norwich Terrier Parson Russell Terrier Scottish Terrier Sealyham Terrier Skye Terrier Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Staffordshire Bull Terrier Welsh Terrier West Highland White Terrier ---------------------------- Connect with Crufts online: Follow us on Twitter: @Crufts – Follow us on Instagram: @Crufts - Like us on Facebook: Visit the Official Crufts Website: Connect with The Kennel Club online: Follow us on Twitter: @TheKennelClubUK – Follow us on Instagram: @TheKennelClubUK - Like us on Facebook: Visit the Official Kennel Club Website: All content © Crufts 2018 and is freely available for private non-commercial viewing worldwide. Reproduction of any content requires the prior express consent of The Kennel Club. For terms of use, click here:
Miniature Bull Terrier Club England International Weekend 2016 Dog Challenge
Bull Terrier UK

Miniature Bull Terrier Club England International Weekend 2016 Dog Challenge

FUTURE STAR VOM HAUSE WILKE DCC BIS Exceptional Bull Terrier at any size, but also good for size in the miniature ranks. A really outstanding solid tri: a terrific masculine head with arc, width, fill, depth, a punishing expression, with a correct mouth save for a pincer bit. A picture standing; he has a long neck into good shoulders and straight front. Plenty of substance with a short back and shapely quarters, moving like a dream behind. Took the class with some in hand, before going on to be a strong winner of the CC and BOB. AMINIRUMPUS NANOOK BEAR RDCC Well oversize white, but in the company of a number of oversized dogs in the class – I went for the overall package. Superb type: lovely head, arc, turn, finish, fill, depth and a punishing well-placed dark eye. Beautifully balanced, standing four-square with excellent bone and substance. Good reach of neck into well-laid shoulders and front, feet could be tighter. Good topline, well angulated quarters and moving well behind when he got into his stride JCH KABUM VOM WENDLAND Typy and upstanding white with a lovely strong, well-arced head, good ear carriage and expression with width, fill and perfect mouth. Would like better lay of shoulder and rear angulation and still needs to furnish. Well-handled, moving well behind and made the best of himself throughout. RENEGADE VON DER ALTEN VESTE Very typy black and white with a lovely head, having arc, width, fill, nicely turned and a perfect mouth. A little unsure of himself, looks a picture standing with an adequate shoulder, good front and shapely quarters. Moved well in front, but a bit over the measure and disappointing rear action. EL ADON-M WILD FAMY Energetic 8 year old white, really strutting his stuff. Although would like more arc and width, he’s well balanced with a good front, topline, quarters and one of the better movers of the day. In excellent condition and a real credit to his owners. GUAYARMINAS FINAL FANTASY Tough call: this black and white youngster was very typy with a good, strong, well-filled head with finish and perfect mouth, save for one tight canine – would just like a little more arc. Good for size with plenty of bone and substance, with an adequate front Judge Mr D Clark (Grandopera)
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